Discover the resumes of the laureates of our very selective “Académie des Talents” for academic year 2021-2022.
These students are in their 3rd year of a Bachelor, Master 1 or Master 2 degree program related to Energy and Environment, programs that are also featured.
The UPPA Research Chairs booklet has also been updated, allowing you to (re)discover the cutting-edge fields studied at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.
Whether junior, senior or international, these chairs perfectly illustrate our interdisciplinary missions:
- Adapting coastal, forest and mountain ecosystems to make them more resilient
- Reconciling development, a secure environment and preserved biodiversity
- Organizing energy subsidiarity at the territorial level
- Representing and building the territories of the future
- Questioning borders and taking up the challenge of differences
Also available on our website: https://recherche.univ-pau.fr/en/expertise/chairs-of-excellence.html