
Céline Perlot-Bascoulès named to the French University Institute (IUF)

Céline Perlot-Bascoulès, a Professor at the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour (ISA BTP engineering school), has been named a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, in the innovation field.

She has been working for several years on low-impact construction materials in the SIAME laboratory (Engineering Sciences applied to Mechanics and Electrical Engineering), and more specifically on a high-pressure compaction method to improve the properties of raw earth bricks.

The Institut Universitaire de France is a group of professors selected by an international jury for the exceptional quality of their research. The list of laureates is established by order of the French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

The appointment allows the laureates to devote themselves fully to their research activities by benefiting from a leave of absence of two thirds of their teaching duties, a doctoral and research supervision bonus, as well as a budgetary allocation for their laboratory.

Appointed for a period of five years, the members of the IUF are placed in a position of delegation but continue to exercise their activity in their home institution.

Junior members are professors under the age of 40.