2024-06_An evening in honour of all UPPA's partners

An evening in honour of all UPPA's partners

First row: Christian La Borderie (UPPA), Didier Chauffaille (Emac), Christophe Derail (UPPA), Laurent Bordes (UPPA), Serge Lagaronne (CEPyA, Eiffage), Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot (UPPA), Jean-Pierre Laflaquiere (Agglo Pays Basque), Pierre Marcasuzaa (Biomim'Gel) - Cliquer pour agrandir


The Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) works with over 200 partners in the fields of education, research and innovation. Laurent Bordes, its President, and Serge Lagaronne, President of the CEPyA association (UPPA business club), warmly thanked them at an event held on Friday June 14, 2024 at the Espace de l'Océan, kindly made available by the town of Anglet.

Now in its 5th year, the event was open to all the university's partners, which are working in the fields of research, training, lifelong learning - whether leading to a degree or à la carte -, innovation, transfer of research results and scientific dissemination (science-society dialogue).

Comic strips taken from the magazine Ébullition(s), le cahier illustré de la recherche, were on display in the room. This popular science magazine, published by Presses Universitaires de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (PUPPA), was created by UPPA as part of the Science avec et pour la société (SAPS) label obtained in June 2022, and aims to make researchers' work accessible to all.

Four partner testimonials were presented on stage, followed by Serge Lagaronne, Director of Eiffage Construction Sud Aquitaine, who explained the advantages of joining CEPyA. The university president then outlined UPPA's strategy for the coming years, concluding with a presentation of the partnership foundation currently being set up.

The driving force behind this foundation is that knowledge is the key to a better future, and UPPA believes that the transmission and advancement of knowledge and innovation are the solutions for shaping a sustainable and equitable future. The foundation's mission will be to contribute to the development of knowledge to facilitate transitions, to make knowledge accessible to as many people as possible, to help students of all ages to succeed, to find their feet again and to become involved in society, to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship, to strengthen links between all local players, and to promote the university's influence in the region and internationally.